build-test-deploy Development Environment


Lua interface to the raw native functions. Besides providing several convenience functions, it also provides timing of events (motion tracking of mouse for example) and inserts a wait time after generating the event(s) to allow the window manager to process the eventqueue. The IupRobot functions return true while the functions are active and false when they are done. The actual options and methods are :
Initialises screensize and timing parameters.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
With default update time = 20 ms and wait time = 100 ms. Or :
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot(0.05,0.5) -- update time = 50 ms, wait time = 500 ms
demo flag
By default no visual feedback is generated, only the wait time is inserted after a method call. This is fine for unattended testing, but a bit difficult to follow on screen...
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot(0.05,0.5) -- update time = 50 ms, wait time = 500 ms
robot.demo = true -- activate demo mode
Wrapper around the corresponding native functions. Only inserts a wait time.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times


robot:leftDown() -- press left mouse button
Wrapper around the corresponding native functions. Only inserts a wait time.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times


robot:middleUp() -- release middle mouse button
Press and release the specified mouse button, wait the specified time for visual feedback.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:leftClick(2) -- press left button 2 s and release
Press and release the specified mouse button twice, half the specified time is for visual feedback of each click.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:leftClickDbl(2) -- press left button 1 s, release, press again 1 s and release
Moves the mouse from the current position to the desired position in the designated time frame.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:goto(500,100,5) -- goto x = 500, y = 100 in 5 s
Moves the mouse from the current position to the center of the desired screen element in the designated time frame.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


local button = iup.button{title = 'this is a button'}
robot:gotoCenter(button,5) -- goto center of button in 5 s
Wrapper around the corresponding native functions. Only inserts a wait time (see further).
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times


robot:keyDown('a') -- press 'a' key
Wrapper around the corresponding native functions. Only inserts a wait time (see further).
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times


robot:shiftUp() -- release shift key
Press and release the specified key, wait the specified time for visual feedback (see further).
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:keyClick('s',1) -- press 's' key, wait 1 s and release it
Press and release all keys in the specified string, no visual feedback of key clicks.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times


robot:keyString('abcdefgh') -- press and release the specified keys one by one
Wait the specified time.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:goto(500,100,5) -- goto x = 500, y = 100 in 5 s
robot:timer(2) -- wait 2 s
robot:goto(20,400,1) -- goto x = 20, y = 400 in 1 s
The keys are organised in different groups :
Has methods keyDown, keyUp, keyClick, which all work on the first character of the provided string.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:keyDown('a') -- press 'a' key

robot:keyUp('abcdefg') -- release 'a' key

robot:keyClick('x',0.1) -- press 'x' key and release after 100 ms
Has methods xxxDown and xxxUp (xxx = alt, ctrl or shift).
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times


robot:altDown() -- press alt key

robot:shiftUp() -- release shift key
Has methods funcDown, funcUp, funcClick, which all work on the provided string code.
local IupRobot = require('btd.lua.iuprobot')
local robot = IupRobot() -- default values for update and wait times
robot.demo = true


robot:funcClick('F1',1) -- press 'F1' key and release after 1 s
The string codes are identical to the virtual key codes (see also source code _IupRobot.c).